Monday, March 21, 2011

And so it begins...

1st things 1st...Some may not know that Vegan and Vegetarian are separate from each other. Vegan is NO animal by product. Vegetarian CAN consist of animal by product (milk, cheese, eggs, anything that comes from an animal).

I have just about completed my first day of my vegetarian journey! (pat on my back :-D) But...can I just tell you how much of a (small) roller coaster I have been on!?! I figured while dinner simmers, I'll vent a little.

Today was great...until it came time to go grocery shopping. Now, I was able to stay away from meat, so that was easy. What almost brought me to my knees was trying to figure out what in the world can I eat besides salads!?!?!?! For doing my research, I did NOT truly prepare myself for the very 1st grocery trip. My mood went from great to pissed off within 5 minutes. Pissed off at myself!!! As I'm walking through Sunflower, I stop in the produce area and just stand there....staring and thinking. I look in my basket and see that I've done good so far. I have tofu, black beans (bagged not canned), brown rice, veggies, etc. I did not know what else to get. That was a moment where I almost felt like giving up, but than thought "Give up so soon! That'd just prove to others, as well as myself, that I can't do anything." Pushing forward, I had to give myself that confidence that before the next grocery trip I will prepare myself better. I headed toward the registers with somewhat of a smile on my face and slowly patting my own back for staying strong. As I'm at the register, I happen to notice a new sign posted...It stated that if you are starting a new "food relationship" whether for weight loss, becoming a vegetarian, etc and don't know where to start, you can set up an appointment to grocery shop with a personal food shopper! I wish I would of known that BEFORE I gave myself so much grief! Knowing that now, I plan on making an appointment for next Monday. I will also have a list prepared to face this part of my journey without getting frustrated.

So keep in mind....ALWAYS research & prepare when chosing a new relationship with food. Though going vegetarian may sound like an easy shopping trip, I found it a bit frustrating.

My yummy tofu stir fry! Homemade!

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